IHOP | INTERNet stuff

The Internet has some pretty neat stuff on it. But we thought it could use some more neat pancakes.
So as we put IHOP onto the World Wide Web, we also defined their pancake-brained voice.

BREAKfast burritos

National pancake day

We gave away free pancakes for life and made someone pancake rich.

Never ending stack

To tell everyone about All You Can Eat Pancakes we hacked Instagram’s grid system to create a never ending pancake stack. It’s traveled up to the sky, through space, and then in and out of various black holes. The stack continued building for over a year… and possibly more considering the space-time continuum it broke.


Diner theater

Perhaps a little show to go with your IHOP breakfast burritos and bowls, which are super portable.


For Valentine’s Day, we helped people find love by pancaking their dating app pictures.
Because everyone loves pancakes.


We remixed a classic holiday song, made a music video with our iconic syrup caddies, and then challenged TikTok to do whatever it is they do.
And people did it. #SyrupTurnUp got over 5 billion views…because what else are you going to do over the holidays?#SyrupTurnUp

not super bowl ads

We also didn’t make Super Bowl ads.

AGENCY: Droga5
ECD: Scott Bell
CD: Rob McQueen
CD: Nicholas Bauman
CW: Giovanna Saffos
AD: Chloe Friedman